Seeing: The Key to Building Healthy Relationships

Have you ever felt like someone is looking at you, but not really seeing you? Like they are physically present, but emotionally absent? This is a common experience in many relationships, and it can leave us feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. However, by practising the art of "seeing", we can create deeper, more meaningful connections with those around us.

What is "Seeing"?

"Seeing" is the ability to truly understand and appreciate another person. It involves going beyond their physical appearance and gaining a deeper understanding of who they are, what they value, and what they need from us. When we "see" someone, we are able to connect with them on a deeper level and build stronger, more fulfilling relationships

5 "Seeing" Practices

  1. Active Observation

    To truly "see" someone, we need to practise active observation. This means paying attention to their words, actions, and body language. By actively observing those around us, we can gain a better understanding of their thoughts and feelings, and respond in a way that meets their needs.

  2. Empathy

    Empathy is another important component of "seeing" in relationships. By putting ourselves in another person's shoes and trying to understand their experiences, we can build greater understanding and empathy in our relationships.

  3. Communication

    Clear and honest communication is essential for "seeing" in relationships. By sharing our own thoughts and feelings, and actively listening to the other person's perspective, we can build greater trust and understanding in our relationship.

  4. Supporting Growth

    The ability to "see" another person also involves supporting their growth and development. By recognising their strengths and encouraging them to pursue their passions, we can help them become the best version of themselves.

  5. Activities

    Spending focused time doing activities together where you are required to give your undivided attention and presence can also help you to "see" and connect with others on a deeper level.

    Take Action

    If you want to build healthier relationships through "seeing", start by practising these 5 strategies.

    Active observation, empathy, clear communication, supporting growth, and shared activities can help you create deeper, more meaningful connections with those around you.

    Alternatively, book a free 30 min call with me on the link below.

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